Happy Customers are the secret weapon in selling SolidCAM!

Happy Customers are the secret weapon in selling SolidCAM!

Marketing is essential to selling SolidCAM, but one often overlooked way to generate leads and sales is having a strong customer base motivated to recommend/sell SolidCAM for you.

One such great referral partner is Sven Klatt, with Vineburg Machining in Mound House, NV. Sven Klatt says exactly what he means, and often that involves telling other people about his experiences with the power and great service that comes from SolidCAM.

He even has done a video success story about SolidCAM and iMachining that is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqEyE1NJ8cE

Watch full Forum post: https://forum.solidcam.com/forum/marketing/4042-happy-customers-are-the-secret-weapon-in-selling-solidcam