TriMech Becomes North America's Leading Provider of SolidCAM Solutions for CNC Manufacturing

TriMech Becomes North America’s Leading Provider of SolidCAM Solutions for CNC Manufacturing

TriMech is North America’s Newest and Largest Provider of SolidCAM Software for CNC Manufacturing. Trimech will sell and support the powerful SolidCAM CAM solution, seamlessly integrated and toolpath associative with SOLIDWORKS. SolidCAM supports all CNC technologies, including the most advanced multi-channel mill-turn and Swiss-type CNC machines, and provides the revolutionary iMachining technology.

TriMech is part of The TriMech Group, a collection of established brands serving designers, engineers, and manufacturers, and operating in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland, and Europe’s Nordic regions. The Group’s footprint in North America is unparalleled, with TriMech in the U.S. and Javelin in Canada. Interest in SolidCAM is growing fast in North America and momentum is building. It’s the perfect time to spread the word about SolidCAM through TriMech and Javelin.

Read more in our press release: