TriMech US Team Joins SolidCAM at IMTS 2024

At the IMTS 2024 exhibition, we were joined by the TriMech US Team, led by Jason Hanna, Sales Manager.

The TriMech Group is a major SOLIDWORKS reseller covering the US, Canada, and the UK. They recently signed up with SolidCAM as a major reseller in all their active regions.

The TriMech US team interacted with many prospects looking for an integrated CAM solution in SolidWorks and for an advanced CAM solution for Multi-Channel MillTurn and Swiss CNCs.

They also saw a demonstration and expressed deep interest in our recently launched SolidShop system. This system completes the SolidCAM Manufacturing ecosystem, providing PDM control, CNC Machine monitoring, and job planning for every CNC Machine Shop.

We are very excited about our TriMech partnership. Through powerful collaboration, we will grow the SolidCAM business strongly in the very important US CAM market.

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