SolidCAM - THE powerful, independent leader in the CAM market!
It is incredible how many offers we got in the last 10 years to buy SolidCAM, from both Investment companies and large companies in the CAD/CAM and Tooling market.
I will go through the main ones:
Battery Ventures
This investment company have expressed interest to buy SolidCAM many times in the last 10 years. Every time they acquired a CAD/CAM company, they contacted us to be the next to be acquired! We have always politely refused. Through the years they bought VERO, Sigmanest and Cimatron, and resold them to Hexagon and Sandvik.
SolidCAM is integrated in Autodesk Inventor and called InventorCAM. Autodesk has expressed strong interest to buy SolidCAM. They refused to understand that we are simply interested in our integration with Inventor, and not more than that. When they finally gave up, they went on and bought HSMWorks and DelCAM and developed their own CAD/CAM Fusion360. InventorCAM continues to be the best integrated CAM in Autodesk Inventor, used worldwide by Inventor customers who need a complete integrated CAM solution inside their Inventor.
3D Systems
The president of 3D Systems met me for lunch and offered to buy SolidCAM. I politely told him that we are not interested and suggested to him to buy Cimatron – he went ahead and just did that! However, 3D Systems was not successful in the CAM market, and they resold Cimatron to Battery Ventures, which later resold it to Sandvik.
Our relationship started with the integration of our superior iMachining technology in their Siemens CNC controller. However, this was not finalized since there was no agreement on the commercial terms. Siemens then invited me to their office in Munich and offered to buy SolidCAM. We declined politely this offer. We have integrated iMachining in Siemens NX CAM, providing the amazing iMachining 2D & 3D advantages to all NX CAM customers worldwide. We are also in the process of integrating SolidCAM in the Siemens SolidEdge CAD product.
Then an offer came from Sandvik. They contacted us and we had 2 meetings, that I thought would lead to some sort of cooperation. But at the end of the 2nd meeting, they said their real intention is to buy SolidCAM. I politely said we had no interest, so they went ahead and bought our main competitor MasterCAM.
The last offer came lately from Hexagon, at the SolidCAM booth at the IMTS2022 exhibition in Chicago, US. Although Hexagon had already bought so many various CAM systems in previous years, Esprit being the last one, they still wanted to acquire SolidCAM.
Obviously, the reason for that must be that they understood the superiority of SolidCAM over all the CAM systems they already acquired! Again, I answered that we are not interested; we are an independent and very successful CAM company, we value greatly our independence, and we firmly plan to stay in this way!!
In Summary …
SolidCAM will stay an independent, powerful leader in the worldwide CAM market, making sure of continuous development of our SolidCAM product, with its amazing iMachining technology, to support all advances in the CNC machining market in Sim5X, Advanced Mill-Turn and Swiss, and making sure to provide the best technical and postprocessor support to our machine shop manufacturing customers.