SolidCAM US – addressing the biggest CAM market worldwide!
We started SolidCAM activity in the US working mainly with SolidWorks resellers, who sold our integrated SolidCAM in SolidWorks. This went on for several years, while we built more and more also our managerial and technical team. SolidCAM Inc, through the years, increased greatly its direct selling activities.
Competition in the US is very strong, with established US CAM products, mainly MasterCAM, which was powerfully active in the US since its establishment in 1984. MasterCAM also dominated the educational US market. What this meant, that nearly every CNC machine shop customer had already a CAM system, and we had to replace his current CAM.
One important factor in our favor was that many of our potential machine shop customers were already using SolidWorks for small design changes, also doing jigs and fixtures, and so they liked very much that SolidCAM was seamlessly integrated in SolidWorks and had full toolpath associativity to the SolidWorks model. MasterCAM had also tried to make integration in SolidWorks, but they never really succeeded, and they continued pushing their own CAD in MasterCAM.
Another major advantage arose when we launched our amazing and unique iMachining technology, which saved 70% and more in cycle time, increased tool life 5 times and more, and automatically calculated optimal feeds and speeds for every point of the tool path, taking into account the stock material properties, the cutting tool properties, and the machine tool parameters! iMachining was a game-changer, and all our competitors, including MasterCAM, did not have a real answer!
With SolidCAM2020, we launched our most powerful Advanced Mill-Turn and Swiss functionality. With this functionality, we could not only beat MasterCAM, which was weak in that, but we also replaced Esprit, GibbsCAM, and Partmaker, with SolidCAM providing the best CAM solution for high-end machining, in multi-channel Mill-Turn and Swiss CNCs.
SolidCAM US has today 2,000 customers and is growing very rapidly, with the US CAM market being one-third of the yearly worldwide CAM market of $2.4 billion. Our direct technical support and post-processor teams in the US provide the best possible technical support for our customers and are an important engine for our continued successful growth.
Our US management team includes Shaun Mymudes, our COO, Steve Welch, our Sales Manager, Anthony Calderone, our CTO, Russ Akins, our Support Manager, and Harry Glover, our Post Processor manager. The total SolidCAM Inc team is 30 staff and growing rapidly. We estimate that the SolidCAM market in the US will eventually be our biggest one worldwide.